• DSLS_Movie
    DDS Materials
  • DSSC Testimonial Thumb 001
    Testimonial Mr. Igor Kachanovskiy

DentaSwiss Service Center (DSSC)

DSSC is a key entity in Biodenta‘s Total Solution Provider concept which supports laboratories and clinics with products and services. DSSC provides high end industrial milling, printing services, premium training and customer support. For any lab or clinic that utilizes DSCS and DSLS solutions the preferred local DSSC assures reliable products and services.

Single Coping

Bridge Framework

Single Crown

Full Contour Bridge

Inlay / Onlay

1 Piece Abutment

2 Piece Abutment

2 Piece Hybrid SR Abutment

1 Piece Implant Bridge

Hybrid Implant Bridge

Implant Bar

Dental Model

Surgical Guide

Scan Body

Hybrid Ti Base

Screw and Driver

Universal Analogue

PreFab Abutment Blank

DS Multi Adapter

DS Milling Discs

3M Lava Ultimate Block

Lithium Disilicate Block

PMMA Block

Milling Bur

Visit us @ our Social Network Pages

(North & South America)

Biodenta North America
P.O.Box 3524
Gaithersburg, MD, 20885


(Europe, Middle East & Africa)

Biodenta Swiss AG
Tramstrasse 16
9442 Berneck

Tel +41 71 747 11 11
Fax +41 71 747 11 12

(Asia & Pacific)

Biodenta Corporation Taiwan
1F., No.23, Danuan Rd., Tucheng Dist.,
New Taipei City
236, Taiwan

Tel +886 2 2267 3595
Fax +886 2 2267 3973